I had a good initial ride today.
I haven't told very many people but I had a bad unplanned dismount about 5 weeks ago and haven't been back on the wheel since. It happened after I fixed a couple broken spokes and put on a brand new tire. Last time I put on a new tire I had a similar feeling of extreme uneasiness and sudden inability to turn well. The new tire has a much rounder profile and a really squirrely feel. Last time I put a new one on it took me about a week to adjust to it - luckily I didn't have any wrecks.
I wasn't riding partly because of wet weather and partly because of PTUPDT (Post Traumatic Unplanned Dismount Trauma).
Now muscle memory is a good thing when it comes to riding uni but in this case I would prefer that my cranial muscles forget what happened.
Today was the day.
It took me 8 tries to get on.
I felt wobbly and weak but fell into a good slow pace after a few minutes.
I haven't been that nervous on a ride in...well I can't remember when.
It will take me a while to get my confidence back but that's okay.
I had the good sense to dismount prior to the site of my sideways superman getoff.
Turn by turn, I will get there